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WHITE STRIPES - White Blood Cells LP

Third Man

WHITE STRIPES - White Blood Cells LP

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20th anniversary edition.

White Blood Cells was one of the albums that heralded the return of 'retro rock' in the late 1990's and early 2000's along with the Strokes' Is This It. It was also the album that propelled the Detroit natives to worldwide popularity thanks to the infectious charm of lead singles 'Hotel Yorba' and 'Fell In Love With a Girl.' That and the whole "are they husband and wife or brother and sister" debate.

We'd be tempted to say that this is their best album thanks for the aforementioned singles, blazing opener 'Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground' and pretty much the first three-quarters of the album in general, but the album kind of trails off towards the end into slightly inane or forgettable territory. Still, a very good album and definitely worth adding to the collection.

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