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PC WORSHIP - Social Rust LP

Dull Tools

PC WORSHIP - Social Rust LP

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Social Rust, PC WORSHIP’s fourth LP to date and Northern Spy Records / Dull Tools debut, may very well be the closest this innovative quartet, led by singer and multi-instrumentalist mastermind JUSTIN FRYE, has gotten to the conventional rock formula. But don’t be alarmed—PC Worship has, by no means, abandoned its inherent avant-gardist roots. In fact, Social Rust portends a familial group hell bent on blending its own vision of fully realized songcraft and contagious melodicism into its trademark chaotic din. PC Worship stand at the threshold of many worlds, yet they operate at the center of their own pantheon and without abandon. They are crucial eclectics, distinct in sound and consistently adventurous. Like Sun Ra, PC Worship transmit alien, helter-skelter sounds seemingly from another universe—a truly rare trait these days.

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