MORBID ANGEL - Domination LP
Inner sleeve with lyrics.
David Vincent's last album with Morbid Angel before a nearly decade-long hiatus features his best and most forceful vocals to date, and musically the band has the muscle and power to match him. At points, Domination is the heaviest of Morbid Angel's first four albums; the inclusion of keyboards for a couple of interludes and an outro does not change the fact that by and large the songs are focused on the sort of raw, primitive, and intense death metal with a doomy edge which Morbid Angel listeners know and love.
David Vincent's last album with Morbid Angel before a nearly decade-long hiatus features his best and most forceful vocals to date, and musically the band has the muscle and power to match him. At points, Domination is the heaviest of Morbid Angel's first four albums; the inclusion of keyboards for a couple of interludes and an outro does not change the fact that by and large the songs are focused on the sort of raw, primitive, and intense death metal with a doomy edge which Morbid Angel listeners know and love.