Sacred Bones
DESTRUCTION UNIT - Negative Feedback Resistor LP
Highly recommended.
High-intensity sonic energy waves cleave yr brain in twain and scatter disoriented neurons here and there, to all corners of whatever scope of universe your simian mind is capable of conceiving. Cannabis-smoked guitars shred across a furious train of d-beats like a rusty cheese grater, and whatever remains of your auditory cortex falls into a heap of ribbons upon the dirty concrete floor of the warehouse where Destruction Unit aurally assault the adoring mass of sleep-deprived urchins gathered there to partake in the sinful ritual.
High-intensity sonic energy waves cleave yr brain in twain and scatter disoriented neurons here and there, to all corners of whatever scope of universe your simian mind is capable of conceiving. Cannabis-smoked guitars shred across a furious train of d-beats like a rusty cheese grater, and whatever remains of your auditory cortex falls into a heap of ribbons upon the dirty concrete floor of the warehouse where Destruction Unit aurally assault the adoring mass of sleep-deprived urchins gathered there to partake in the sinful ritual.