ALIEN NOSEJOB - Death of the Vinyl Boom 7"
Highly recommended.
"Alien Nosejob is Jake Robertson (of Ausmuteants, Hierophants and Frowning Clouds) and the four songs are bedroom recordings, augmented by a full-blown horns section in one instance. “Caffeine OD” sounds like early Devo on a meth trip with its stuttering guitar and jerky rhythms fitting perfectly." - i94 Bar
"Alien Nosejob is Jake Robertson (of Ausmuteants, Hierophants and Frowning Clouds) and the four songs are bedroom recordings, augmented by a full-blown horns section in one instance. “Caffeine OD” sounds like early Devo on a meth trip with its stuttering guitar and jerky rhythms fitting perfectly." - i94 Bar